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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be a missionary with Avant?

Anyone who has a growing relationship with Christ and a clear call to missionary service may apply to be a missionary with Avant Ministries. Applicants must agree with Avant's Statement of Faith and must be at least 18 years old. Some ministry opportunities have additional academic and skill set requirements. An application and references are required before extending an invitation to Avant Start (orientation for missionary candidates) typically offered two times per year.

Avant missionaries must raise their own financial support before departing for their field of service, and receive personalized coaching in the pre-field journey.

The journey starts here.

What do Avant missionaries do?

Missionaries with Avant serve in a wide variety of ministries and bring a diverse range of skill sets to their work. Many are church planters. Some are evangelists or Seminary professors. Others are missional business entrepreneurs. Still others focus compassionately on the needs of widows and orphans. Yet all of them are aiming for the same basic outcome, which is to make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.

See more details about how this is accomplished in How we Serve.

When and Why did Camino Global merge with Avant?

In the Fall of 2018, Avant Ministries and Camino Global, two missionary sending organizations that God has used for transformational global impact since the 19th century, announced their intent to unite, creating a combined mission with global reach extending to greater than 50 countries.

Prior to the merger, Avant and Camino shared strong affinity in areas such as common core values, well-aligned vision, complementary global ministry objectives, and a rich historical legacy. Both missions were born at nearly the same time, at the start of the closing decade of the 19th century. Some of the same leaders were involved in the founding of both ministries: CI Scofield, AE Bishop, Luther Rees, and others. 

Camino officially merge with Avant on July 1, 2019. This integration is a win for the mission of God! Because of the merger:

  • more workers will be sent to the unreached, particularly from Latin America.
  • more churches will be planted where there is no church.
  • more existing local churches will become engaged in the mission of God.
  • missionaries will be better served, leading to greater effectiveness.
  • financial resources will be more efficiently used, bringing greater savings.
Have a question about Giving or Going?
See the Giving FAQ or Going FAQ.
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