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of Global Impact and Transformation
of Global Impact and Transformation
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03 Jul 24
Scott Yingling // Director of Global Engagement
Church Planting Global
The Creative Challenge of Cross-Cultural Church Planting
Cross-cultural church planting does not look the same everywhere. Read how Avant is implementing multiple skills, methods, and strategies to reach the world with the gospel!
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19 Jun 24
Church Planting Recruitment
One Goal, Diverse Strategies
Planting healthy churches in various cultures, languages, and countries requires creativity. Through diverse strategies, Avant accomplishes this goal. Read more in this blog!
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05 Jun 24
Candace Coppinger-Pickett // VP of Member Care
Global ISC
Glorifying God Through Relational Care
Relational care is a pillar of Avant. By investing in the well-being of our missionaries, we enable them to invest in the eternity of others. Our commitment to care is highlighted in this blog.
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21 May 24
Kirk Blackwell // Director of Training
Church Planting ISC Training
Ends Driven, Outcome Based
Avant operates as an ends driven, outcome based organization to reach the unreached with the gospel by planting healthy, reproducing churches. Read more to learn about this pillar of Avant.
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17 Apr 24
Church Planting Recruitment
Bringing Church to Every Unreached Corner of the World
We exist to plant and develop churches globally, to bridge the gap between reached and unreached. Check out this story to learn more about who we are.
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02 Apr 24
Rachel; Missionary in Spain
Field Story Spain
Hope & Healing
God is always at work. Every circumstance and season is for a reason. Check out this story from our missionary in Spain as she shares how she learned that lesson.
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20 Mar 24
Leah Vanderlaan // Director of Mobilization
Field Story Recruitment
Glimpse of Missions Through Short-Term Trips
How do I learn more about missions? Check out this story from our Director of Mobilization on how short-term mission opportunities can help answer that question!
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05 Mar 24
Missionaries in the Middle East
Field Story Middle East
Learning to Love Our Neighbors
1.9 Billion people around the world will be celebrating Ramadan in hopes to draw closer to God. Learn more about how you can reach out to your Muslim friends and neighbors during this time.
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21 Feb 24
Missionary in Mexico
Field Story Mexico
Christ Our Purifier
The goal of each of our missionaries is to share the hope of the gospel, wherever they are. Check out this story about an opportunity our missionary in Mexico had, to do just that!
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07 Feb 24
Missionaries in Southeast Asia
Asia Field Story
Celebrating Lunar New Year
In Southeast Asia the focus this time of year is on celebrating the Lunar New Year. Check out this story from our missionaries about how they are celebrating it this year.
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