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Mid-Term Opportunities

Church Planting Church Support East Timor Greece Mexico Slovenia Spain Spain (MMC) Europe Latin America Mid Term

Duration: (6 months - 2 years)                             


Ministry Focus: Media
Our media center in Spain uses creative communication to bring the hope of the gospel to North Africa and walk with communities of believers toward their maturity. Our goal is to see multiplying and maturing communities of believers displaying the undeniable presence of Jesus Christ. We currently have multiple media opportunities in IT, graphic design, video/audio production, and social media marketing.

Mexico: Puebla Christian School

Ministry Focus: Education
Puebla Christian School exists to provide a Biblically-focused Kindergarten through 12th-grade education, with English-language, US curriculum. Puebla Christian School serves an international community of families (missionary families, ministry families, and many others) seeking a Christian education that promotes holistic growth and academic excellence.

We are looking for teachers in several subject areas for the 2023-2024 school year, including elementary, ESL, high school Math, and high school English. Teachers should have a four-year degree, although there may be positions such as teacher's aide where a degree is not required. Teacher certification is preferred but not required. 

Koper, Slovenia

Ministry Focus: Church Planting
Join an existing church planting team to bring hope of the gospel. Our long-term goal is to see the current church become independent. We want to see local Slovenes begin to take more responsibilities and ownership to where one day, there will be little to no missionary presence. It is our hope to plant another church after this one. There are many cities in Slovenia with no Evangelical presence. 

East Timor

Ministry Focus: Business
This is a Business 4 Transformation team. The purpose of the business is to create authentic roles in the community by teaching courses in math, basic computer, Portuguese, and English. The business provides opportunities to build relationships and share the gospel with employees and students. 

Our goal is to see the current house-church grow in maturity to the point where they are independently doing evangelism and discipleship, financially independent, self-governed, and growing in faithfulness and number. At that point, we plan to move to a different city and plant a new church. 


Ministry Focus: Flexible
This opportunity is through the Greek Bible College One-Year International Student Program (ISP). Students will receive a one-year student visa to enter Greece. Students must have a high school diploma and a desire to learn in both formal classroom and informal environments. 

Each student will work with their Team Leader to select from a wide variety of ministry placements which range from refugee and homeless ministries, sex trafficking, ethnic church planting training, and more. Many of the credits earned at the Greek Bible College can be transferred to North American institutions. We hope to mobilize 12-15 students into the one-year program. For more information, visit

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