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Non-Cash Gifts

Stock Shares and More

Avant Ministries gladly accepts donations of stock and other securities. Upon receiving donated stock, our broker immediately sells the stock and transfers the proceeds which are credited to the account(s) designated by the donor. A tax-qualified, gift-in-kind receipt is sent to the donor showing the shares donated and the day they were received by our broker.

To donate stock to Avant Ministries, please follow this two-step process. To donate bonds, please contact us for further instructions using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

1.       Instruct your broker to transfer the stock to our account at UBS:

              Account name: Gospel Missionary Union (Avant Ministries is our DBA).

               TIN: 44-0594428

               Account number: EI 84013.

               DTC#: 0221

Stock donations are handled by our broker whose contact information is below:

               Jeff Ream

               Vice President / Portfolio Manager

               FCI Advisors

               5901 College Boulevard, Suite 110

               Overland Park, KS 66211

               (913) 663-0664

2.      Inform Avant about your donation.  The following information is usually not provided by the broker in the transfer of the stock but is necessary for receipt and tax deduction purposes.

               a. Who the stock is coming from (your name)

               b. The number of shares

               c. What the shares are (the publicly traded company they represent)

               d. Approximate value of the shares

               e. How you would like the donation applied

      1. Support of a particular missionary
      2. Support of a particular project
      3. The General Fund (undesignated donations also assigned here)
      4. Any combination of the above

Please feel free to call 800.468.1892 or 816.734.8500 or email one or more of the following to inform Avant of your gift.