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Spain: Land of Hope

Project #72009
Church Support Europe Spain

Asylum seekers, displaced people, and immigrants look to Spain as the land of hope where they can start a new life. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have found refuge in this beautiful land and country. Spain has welcomed them and has the infrastructure to provide for them physically in the short term. However, less than 2% of Spain’s population follows Jesus, so while Spain can provide for some of their physical needs through government programs or NGOs, they are unable to help these refugees find true and lasting hope in the Lord.

Seeing this need, one of our workers began a ministry called “Land of Hope” to help refugees integrate into their new home and culture and to share with them the hope found in Jesus Christ. This ministry has impacted the lives of refugees from 34 different countries! The staff at Land of Hope speaks English, Spanish, French, Hausa, and Arabic, allowing many of the refugees who arrive to be ministered to in their heart language.

The staff at Land of Hope ministers to these people through language classes, vocational training, social and administrative work, and legal and medical assistance, while consistently sharing with them the good news. For some of these refugees, it is the first time they have experienced the love of God.

As people spend time at Land of Hope, they feel the grace and mercy of Christ. People who come regularly say that Land of Hope is like a home to them. To provide financially for this ministry, we are seeking to raise $65,000. This will cover Land of Hope’s operating expenses for one year. Will you prayerfully consider helping us in this effort to bring hope to refugees from some of the least reached areas of the world?

$65,000 Project Goal
$11,628 Amount Raised
$53,372 Still Needed
17% 100%