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Camp Field Story North America USA - Alaska

Built With Purpose

"Each part of what we do can seem small in light of the big picture, but when aligned with the other parts of the ministry, all of a sudden we realize, God's design begins to take shape."

     As I watched the wood being prepared for the roofing system for the new chapel, I pondered the importance of each piece. As the team from the Church at South Lake in Clermont, Florida planed, cut, and bolted these pieces of wood together I marveled at the finished product. The support system was coming together and was being hoisted into a position allowing it to do what it was designed to do to hold together and support part of the bigger structure-our new chapel.
     Each piece of wood in the truss system did not seem that important last winter when we milled them. The lumber being cut just seemed to be random pieces, different thicknesses, different widths, and different lengths -- just pieces of wood. Sure, they were cut according to the request of the engineers and designers, but as we cut and stacked these pieces, they sure did not look like a truss, and would not for a very long time.
     But when the time was right, each piece was subject to the attention of the builder. Planed, shaped and placed into something much bigger. One seemingly insignificant piece of wood when assembled, all of a sudden began to have purpose. Each piece supporting another, and then a truss, and then a building.
     The work of God's ministry is much the same. So many pieces of what each of us do, when viewed by themselves, seem insignificant. Each part of what we do can seem small in light of the big picture, but when aligned with the other parts of the ministry, all of a sudden we realize, God's design begins to take shape.
     For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

  • Pray for the completion of the chapel project.
  • Pray for the many campers that heard the gospel for the first time at camp this summer, that they would surrender their lives to Christ.


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