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Brazil Church Planting Field Story Latin America

The Town Drunk

“If you want to hear the gospel, just live near Beto. You will hear it!”

When he first heard the gospel, Beto was known as a town drunk. His friend often pushed him home in a wheelbarrow.

Those of you who faithfully prayed with us over the years might recognize Pires Ferreira as the name of Beto’s town. During a prayer retreat several years ago, research was done among several towns to see where a new work might be started. Pires Ferreira was chosen and God called a couple to go to this town and reach out to those who have not heard the gospel.

Beto was one of the first people to be saved. The church in Pires Ferreira is a direct result of prayer. In October 2015, we were invited to attend a baptism. What a privilege to see eight people take this step of faith, through the efforts of the Pires Ferreira church.

In the pictures Pastor Egberto (right) is waiting while Beto (left) is telling how this young woman came to Christ. But, what the pastor said about Beto was especially interesting: “If you want to hear the gospel, just live near Beto. You will hear it!”

Now, the Lord is calling Beto to start a church in another town where the gospel needs to be heard. Praise the Lord for his redeeming love!

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