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Field Story Relief Ukraine

Church in Ukraine Responds to Crisis

A local pastor in Ukraine leads his church and community as they care for those affected by the war.

One church in Ukraine has been spending a lot of time praying for their country. They meet at least twice a week for special times of prayer and have been very active in reaching out and helping refugees that are transiting through their town. Food and printed literature are two small ways the church body has been able to impact the families in need.  

Thankfully, their city has not been bombed, but the air raid sirens are often disrupting and cause fear and anxiety. Many living in the city feel hopeless as they hear of what their relatives are going through in other parts of the country.  

After a Sunday service, the church gathered together and prepared special packages for children. They were able to host three different outreach events for the city and the refugees. The packages included baked goods, chocolate, and food packages for their families. They served around 150 children who had been impacted by the war.  

There are still many needs in the community. Mainly they help provide transportation from East to West Ukraine and beyond into Poland and Germany. In addition to setting up travel accommodations, they also provide meals for the journey. They serve around 20-25 people each night who stay with a variety of church members.  

In addition to refugee families, the parents of the church’s pastor have made it safely to their son after 21 days of Silence. He is now caring for them as well and trying to get them the medical treatment they need.  

The church is also preparing for the reconstruction period that will take place after the war comes to an end. Their goal is to print Christian literature to help Ukrainians more forward trusting in the Lord. Finding a printing press has been a major difficulty as prices drastically change but import taxes have been removed which gives them hope for finding a used printing press somewhere in Europe. They are grateful for the grant awarded for them and the potential opportunity they have to bring about hope in a time of unsettlement.

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