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Church Planting Europe Field Story France

Ministry Life

"Ministry life means a life worth living! I get to see God changing lives one person at a time through the power of His written Word."

“What does a typical week look like?” “What do you do each day?” Over the years, I have been asked these questions or similar ones on a regular basis. To be honest, I have come to dread trying to answer these questions. The problem is adequately expressing what daily life is like when your “job” revolves around people versus a 9 to 5 schedule. So, I thought this might be a good opportunity to share what ministry has looked like over the last few months.

Ministry life means being available when people are in crisis. In early January, God asked me to open up my home to a woman in the midst of a major emotional crisis. Hours were spent dealing with various issues in person and over the phone. More recently, it has been counseling people regarding a variety of items including marital disputes, child rearing, depression, disappointments in life, and decisions regarding the future. Obviously, these moments were not part of my daily or even weekly schedule. However, this is the kind of “job” that God has given me.

Ministry life means being prepared for scheduled activities. This week, there are three Bible studies to prepare and lead with three different groups of people. Next week, there are just two studies but an English night to organize and host and lunch on Tuesday . . . the day I have designated for one-on-one time with friends. Of course, Sundays are always busy with the morning service followed by lunch and a team meeting.

Ministry life means being flexible. I can not tell you how many times I have had to change my plans since the beginning of this year. People arriving late or not at all for scheduled meetings. Finding out at the last minute that there is a huge change in the number of people coming to English night. Arriving with the idea of spending one hour with someone and returning home several hours later. Just a few of the ways that God is teaching me to be open to HIS plans.

Ministry life means being in constant communication. As times have changed so have the many methods of communication. Telephone calls, text messages, emails, and facebook are some of the ways that I stay in touch with friends here in France. I also stay in touch with my partners in ministry through emails, phonecalls, personal notes, and regular ministry updates.

Ministry life means living in the real world. There are bills to pay, an apartment to clean, and shopping to be done. There is also the additional responsibility of taking care of banking, medical coverage, and taxes in two different countries and languages. There are also things like noisy neighbors, water leaks, and using public transportation.

Ministry life means a life worth living! I honestly can’t imagine doing anything else! Every day is an adventure. I never know what new opportunity God might bring my way. I get to see God changing lives one person at a time through the power of His written Word. I get to be part of something so much bigger than myself. 

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