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Church Planting Field Story Guatemala Latin America

From Guatemala With Love

"Regardless of our 'distractions' God is in control and He puts us in certain situations and specific locations for a reason, we just need to pay better attention."

These are tumultuous days with lots of uncertainty in the lives of our missionaries in 50 countries around the world, but also with unprecedented opportunities to share the peace we have because of our faith in Christ. Thank you for continuing to support our ministry during this season of panic and fear.  Please pray for the Lord’s hand of protection and provision for our missionaries especially in these days. Enjoy the following story from one of our missionaries as he shares an opportunity to share the love of Jesus at the grocery store, amidst the chaos that was around him.

“I was in Publix about 3 hours ago, it was chaotic... I only needed a couple of things for dinner, but my attention was on everyone in the store. The lines were long, and you could see the worried and anxious looks on everyone's faces. I was focused on getting my stuff and going on my way.

As I looked behind me a man, who still had his work clothes on and I could tell he worked outside because he had work shoes on, said ‘'what a racket... Wall Street uses a virus to drive the market down so that they can run it back up and make a fortune.” Well, I looked at him and smiled and said, ‘that’s one way to look at it. The markets are always manipulated by a handful of institutional investors and this is a great excuse for a market correction with a huge windfall for them.”

Then he said something that that was a shock to me.

He said ,'You know something, I've worked at Gulfstream Park with the horses for over 30 years and today they told us, because of the virus, not to come back, indefinitely. The casino and track were closing.  I have a wife four kids and I depend on that paycheck every week.”

I was reminded of the reality of what is happening to him as well as the people like him around the nation. I only had a few things, so when the cashier (whose name was ironically LOVE!) checked me out, I asked if I could use her hand sanitizer, that was behind her, and she said agreed.

So, as I walked behind her and said quietly in her ear as she was running his food through, I'm paying for that man's groceries and I also want you to give him a publix gift card. I want him to have enough food for a month for his family.   

I didn't get the man's name today, but I will always remember his face. He grabbed me and with tears running down his face (mine too) he said you didn't need to do that. And I looked him in the eyes and said, yes, I did, I love you and some day you can do the same for someone else... go and feed your family.

And you see, something else happened. The chaos stopped around us today, if only for a moment, from faces of tension, anger and despair to faces of joy and love.

I was reminded today that regardless of our 'distractions' God is in control and He puts us in certain situations and specific locations for a reason, we just need to pay better attention.

Jesus told His disciples that day, 2000 years ago, speaking from the side of the mountain, and after He had just taken a basket of fish that ended up feeding over 5000 very hungry people that, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers, you did for me.”  Matthew 25:40 He has blessed us beyond measure.

Amidst a world that is facing uncertainty may we love others and speak boldly in the opportunities that we are given to share of the unchanging hope we have in Christ.

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