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Global Recruitment

Immersion 15

The Lord has called each of us, as believers, to step out in faith and help share the gospel with all the nations.

The next generation of laborers are being raised up to go into the harvest field. Young adults are excited to be a part of what God is doing around the world, are and searching for their fit in the Great Commission. Avant has innovated a program, Immersion 15, that immerses participants in 15 months of missions.

Through a summer camp season at Echo Ranch Bible Camp, they learn about what it looks like to serve locally, encouraging young people to take the next step in their faith journey, whether that means to trust in Jesus for the first time, to grow in their walk with Him, or to consider what it means to reach others with the Good News. The following 8 months are spent working part time, participating in ministry at a local church, and being invested in by Avant missionaries who work at Echo Ranch. The final 3 months are spent serving overseas with an Avant church planting team.

The first Immersion 15 participants are completing their 15 months of service. As their time comes to a close, we rejoice at what the Lord has done in and through them. Our prayer is that they would continue to live for the Great Commission as they now seek God’s will for their future, whether that means making Him known here in the US or going overseas. We pray that many who are unreached would be reached with the Good News through their lives as they continue to be faithful to Him.

Anna, an Immersion 15 participant who just finished her service in Senegal, wrote this reflection about her experience:

“God is constantly moving in our lives and in the lives of those around us. He doesn’t need our help in this, but He still asks for it. The Lord has called each of us, as believers, to step out in faith and help share the gospel with all the nations. For some this may look like going to the other side of the world and teaching English. For others it could be giving up your summer to work at a church camp in Alaska. Still, for some it is jumping in and becoming involved in your church, helping fill gaps and necessary positions to be able to continue sharing the love of Christ with everyone around and encouraging others to do the same. Regardless of what He is calling you to do, what’s important is that you accept that call and go.”

How is God calling you to make disciples of all nations? Will you accept the call and go?

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