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Field Story Recruitment

Is Missions Worth It?

"Missions is totally worth it. On the other side of hard is the understanding that people will hear the gospel, probably for the first time."

For almost a decade I lived in Central Mexico.

I was fortunate to experience the enormity of Mexico City where I was surrounded by 30 million of my closest friends. I have stories of navigating traffic, metros, taxis, markets, vet visits, doctor offices, and taking life into your own hands just walking down the road. It was my first long-term place to live outside of the US and it was eye-opening, amazing and hard.

Church plants, community centers, orphanages, shelters, and other compassion ministries kept me plenty busy. Through each of those ministries, I watched God work in and through me (and the team) to reach people there. I was holding the hand of a lady that took her last breath just a minute after receiving the eternal gift of salvation. I saw kids understand what love was. I hugged a weeping mom who just received a wheelchair for her daughter because it changed their lives. I watched an old man hear because of the gift of a hearing aid. I saw people literally smash their idols to follow Jesus.

Then I moved to an itty-bitty mountain town that held deep traditional roots. After the craziness of Mexico City, it was a breath of fresh air, literally. The church plant, community center, and the coffee shop took up most of my time. In that town I was able to watch God transform entire families. I saw people come to the coffee shop and take an interest in the gospel for the first time. I experienced God raise up new leaders for the church. This was in a place where prior we said, “we might spend our whole lives in this town and never see a single person come to know the Lord”

I wish I could sit here and tell you that when you decide to let God use you, wherever He decides, it will be easy. I wish my story of overseas missions was daily watching people's lives completely transformed by the gospel. There are plenty of those moments and they always make the hard times and the sacrifice worth it. There is the not-so-glamorous side of missions too. I experienced times of division in the church, stress and conflict on the team, waiting in line for hours to pay rent, and times when I wondered why I was doing what I was doing. There were some deeply frustrating, hard days and even some traumatic events.

In Mexico City, I had to be continually thinking about safety. As a single white female, I had to be careful how about I dressed and talked to people. I expected to be whistled at on the road, and often treated differently than my male coworkers. In the mountain town, sometimes I went for weeks without water or electricity. I was also confronted daily by witchcraft, satanic worship and the grip of idolatry.

They don't talk about it a lot, but missionaries tend to deal with a bit more stress than their family and friends back home.


Missions is totally worth it.

Yes, there are sacrifices. 
Yes, you will likely have to learn a new culture and language.

However, on the other side of hard is the understanding that people will hear the gospel, probably for the first time.
You may see families reunited, lives changed, and churches planted. 
But for sure you will get a deeper understanding of God's love for the world, have friends all over the world, and be on the best adventure that I can think of!

Yes, missions is worth it.

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