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Church Planting Europe Field Story Italy

Encouraging Grazia

"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that...we will live together with him. Therefore, ENCOURAGE one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing." ~ 1 Thess. 5:9-11

When I first met Grazia* we went out for a coffee and she told me that she used to be outspoken about sharing her faith, but felt like she had used up all of that energy and couldn't talk about it anymore. Grazia wasn't reading the Bible. She felt discouraged.

Since then, we've become friends and started praying and reading the Bible together. It's been neat for me to get to see her encouraged and enthusiastic and talking about sharing the gospel with others. Recently, we prayed before she went to meet with one of her nursing patients. Later, Grazia wrote to me and said, "I talked about Jesus with that lady. Actually, it was she who was talking to me! We even prayed. It's true that when we talk with Jesus there's an extra strength."

Please pray for Grazia to have strength in taking care of her elderly mother, and to be a light in her work, where she has a difficult time with her boss.

Grazia has also introduced me to others. One of these was Rosa,* who has been going through many difficulties recently, and has not been coming to church. Rosa and I made a good connection and she asked me to pray for her. Rosa struggles to find hope and often expects more bad things to happen. I asked if she wanted to memorize Ephesians together and she seems open to the idea. Pray that God will use his word to help Rosa to grow in hope through understanding his love.

*pseudonyms used

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