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Field Story Recruitment

Oh, the places He will take you.

Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” Exodus 4:11-12 (ESV)

Having grown up in a broken home with limited resources, irrational fears of bugs and the dark, I remember listening to missionaries come speak at our church and thinking to myself, “Wow, I would love to do that… but why would God use me? Who am I? I am not courageous or holy enough.” I often mix things up in my head and stumble on my words when I don’t have a plan. Looking back, I never could have imagined the work the Lord would do through me.

Moses was a man just like anyone else. Like a lot of us he struggled with confidence and trusting the Lord to use him in the ways He said He would. In Exodus 4 we read Moses repeatedly questioned God and in the end, didn’t do what was asked of him. How many times was I going to question God like Moses and make Him show me over again that He would provide? How many times was I going to let an opportunity pass by me?

After a season of questioning, it was time. Time to trust in the Lord with all my heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). Stepping out in faith was all it took. From country to country the Lord provided for me, putting me in situations where I was uniquely qualified and often underqualified to be His representative. I found myself at the table with billionaires, royalty, alcoholics, drug addicts, theologians, Muslims, Mormons, and Jews. There was no person, situation, religion, or status that was off limits to the work the Lord was doing. Never in a million years did I think I would ride a coach bus through the mountains of Guatemala, drink maté with fellow Latino believers in Paraguay, pray for the healing of a young Muslim boy, or give my testimony to a group of hundreds of South Americans while it was being translated into 2 languages.

Throughout all of Scripture we see God use the underdog to accomplish His beautiful story of redemption. From women like Rahab, Esther and Deborah to the shepherd David, the youngest child Joseph, and 12 blue-collar fishermen. He isn’t asking us to be the best but He does ask us to trust Him and have a willing heart. In my time serving overseas I was able to serve in over 10 countries, making multiple trips to almost all of them to offer my skills. I continue to be amazed and humbled by how the Lord is still using me today. Be willing, and wow, buckle up for all the places He will take you!

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