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Europe Field Story Media Spain (MMC)

The Sadness Went Away he was reading [the Bible] his sadness went away and he couldn't stop reading!
Recently, a fellow friend in ministry came from another country to visit me. For six months my friend had been reaching out to Abe,* but he felt that Abe was tiring of their conversations and would soon pull away. I gave my friend some resources for Abe, discipleship materials and a Bible translated into his own language from our media center.

Surprisingly, Abe took the Bible home and later, on a night that he was feeling particularly sad, Abe began reading the book of Matthew. The next day Abe contacted my friend and said that as he was reading his sadness went away and he couldn't stop reading! When they met the next day, Abe told my friend that he was ready to believe that Jesus is the way to God. Abe became a believer that day and is now being discipled.

It is exciting to see how God is using the work at our media center through translated Bibles, videos, and other resources to spread the gospel.

*pseudonym used

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