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Church Planting Europe Field Story France

A Spiritual Driver's Exam

“I feel like France has lost her soul,” Darius told me

Nine months ago, the police informed me that my U.S. driver’s license was no longer recognized in France. So, despite over 15 years of driving experience, I had to apply to take the driver’s exams.

This included over 10 hours with a driving instructor, Darius.* During my time with him, a conversation about spirituality and philosophy came up.

“I feel like France has lost her soul,” Darius told me. “There is a real spiritual poverty in France today.”

I invited Darius to the philosophy club hosted by our teammates. I also gave him a copy Josh McDowell’s More Than a Carpenter. Darius said he appreciated the book because it would help to “widen his horizons.”

Just after I finished my driving instruction with Darius, our teammate Allie also needed to prepare for the driver’s exam and had Darius as her instructor as well. Allie gave him a philosophy club flyer. Darius came and had a great time.

Praise the Lord with us. The Lord is working. Even through driver’s license exams.

Pray With Us

  • Pray for our friends like Darius, that they will be moved by God's love and will follow Jesus.
  • Pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of the French people.

 *pseudonym used

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