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Field Story Middle East

The Life of Miracles

"Aren't we such blessed people? Though our message is so often rejected and that can be hard, yet we have been tasked with telling people the most wonderful message!"

There is a word called "Haris" that can be translated several different ways but generally, it comes down to the word 'keeper'. Almost every apartment building has a keeper, and he does everything from delivering the electric and water bills to washing people's cars and even sometimes fixing small things around the house.

I have had several small friendly conversations with the 'Haris' who watches the building we temporarily call home. He is a young man from a neighboring country who is saving money and sending it home to prepare for his wedding later this year. He works hard and is always smiling.

On Saturday night I went down to pay him for the month, and we got to talking. I began explaining to him the significance of the Resurrection in light of the upcoming Sunday morning. As it turns out, he has had a lot of favorable interactions with 'traditional Christians' in his hometown. He asked me a few questions and I said that we needed a lot more time to sit down and talk about it. He invited me in, and we spent the next hour sitting on his bed in his small room eating dates. During that time, the Spirit gave me the words, wisdom, and courage to teach him all about the promise of a Savior throughout the Old Testament, the coming of Christ, and his personal need for repentance and faith in Christ.

Aren't we such blessed people? Though our message is so often rejected and that can be hard, yet we have been tasked with telling people the most wonderful message! Is there any better news you can think of? The problem of sin is infinitely greater than our minimizing hearts allow us to believe and yet the love of God in Christ Jesus is infinitely greater still! It was promised throughout generations, prophesied in utterances that confounded the first hearers, symbolized in events that went way beyond understanding, and fulfilled in such a sweet mixture of power, humility, and love that the smallest drop of this living water springs into hope eternal and life forever.

Do you want to live a life full of miracles? Do you want to see the power of God? I long to. While we can't rewind time and watch Christ walk on water and turn five loaves and two fish into a feast fit for thousands, there is something each of us can do and see greater power than those. We can preach and teach this good news and watch the miracle of new birth unfold before our eyes! Friends let's not sew so sparingly as to be ones who reap sparingly.

Please pray for more of these opportunities and pray for the boldness that I do not naturally have. I receive boldness from God's Spirit and that's connected to your prayers! And please pray for our Haris that the Father would be pleased to give Him to the Son by the drawing of the Spirit.

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