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Field Story Recruitment

The Power of Prayer

"Abandoned by his mother at birth, he grew up on the streets until a couple of evangelists started feeding street kids in a nearby park. It was through their compassion that Misael came to know Jesus as his savior and the Lord as his Father."

Imagine growing up as a little kid on the streets of Honduras and El Salvador, without the love and support of parents. It's difficult to fathom, but that's the reality for some. Recently, we had the privilege of getting to know Misael Castillo, one of our online students, who has an incredible story to share. Abandoned by his mother at birth, he grew up on the streets until a couple of evangelists started feeding street kids in a nearby park. It was through their compassion that Misael came to know Jesus as his savior and the Lord as his Father. 

When we discovered that Misael's school sponsor could no longer support his online studies at Rio Grande, we felt a personal calling to step in and support him. Here at Rio Grande, we've been pondering how we can make it possible for students like Misael to attend our school, even if they don't have the means to do so. Currently, the school is already subsidizing around 90% of students' education, but there are still remarkable students who struggle to afford tuition. Our desire is to offer them an opportunity, while still instilling a sense of responsibility.

To serve students like Misael, we've established a program that provides a limited number of full scholarships to students in need, with specific requirements. To receive the scholarship, they must gather a group of 50 committed prayer warriors (to start) and make efforts to raise support for the scholarship they receive. However, the scholarship is not dependent on the amount of support they raise, but rather on their commitment to nurturing their prayer network and building a community of dedicated supporters.

We're thrilled to announce that Misael has become the first student approved for this scholarship program, and he'll be applying for a visa to Rio Grande this summer. Please join us in prayer for Misael and the visa process. Let's pray that if it aligns with the Lord's will, he will be able to join us in person for classes this fall. 

The Lord is calling many to come to Rio Grande to further their education and to be trained and equipped to take the gospel to those that have never heard the good news before. We are excited for the future and look forward to many more students, like Misael, that will take this step of obedience!

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