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Field Story Recruitment

Transition and the Process of Arriving

"I had to trust that God was using this transition to mold me into the person He would use to help further His kingdom."

I tried my best, but I was unprepared for landing in my new host country. The hardest part wasn’t necessarily leaving or arriving, even though that had its challenges! Coming and going, those events can be characterized by adrenaline, shock, disbelief, anxiety, fear, anticipation, and joy that are all the sharp edges of the transition to a new place.

I made it to my host country. The days after landing, I was sitting in my mostly empty new home with pink and orange walls, gazing at unfamiliar streets wondering what I got myself into. I went to the stores and markets trying to buy food and praying I don’t embarrass myself by being surrounded by a language I had yet to learn.

I felt exposed. I felt out of my element. I was grasping for faith and trust as I felt like I was failing to adapt. I was restless and discouraged as I couldn’t grasp directions, language, and even the ministry as easily as I thought I would. I could not lean on my independent nature or the strengths and skills I had in my pervious world. I was a stranger, and no one knew me.

All I could do was lean and trust God. He had a purpose for this season of transition. I had to trust that God was using this transition to mold me into the person He would use to help further His kingdom.

In transition, you must change. Some days it was amazing to see God’s awesome presence and allow him to empower me. Allowing myself to surrender to the shaping from his gentle creative hand. Other days it’s harder. I felt like I was being stretched in so many directions and I was so tired. But I learned even in the hard days I was being fully loved by Jesus. Being perfected into His image. I was a stranger in a new land but fully known by the One who made me.

The anticipation that comes with raising support and preparing to go is incredible. But you will be humbled when you enter your new reality. The arrivals and settling can get hard but we do not carry that burden alone. In the willingness to enter the wilderness, that can deepen the roots that we have planted in Christ.

Also, transition gets easier. While there is always something that will frustrate you about your new culture. You will get to the point where you can communicate. You will be able to go to the store and make your family food. You will have friends and deep connections. You will genuinely love the culture, people, and language that God has called you to. Stick with it, it will be worth it. What a beautiful thing when we are able to see God in the midst of the transitions of life.

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