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Bolivia Church Support Field Story Latin America

Battles: Ours or His?

"One of our prayers in this time has been that our families would see God working in their lives, bringing Him the glory and seeing His protection over them:

     On Veterans day around the world many countries were taking the time, in a moment of silence, wearing a poppy, or reflecting, reflecting on the wars won, fought and will to come. These acts are giving respect and honor to those who gave and give for our freedom. Since a young girl I have loved this day, Veterans Day, standing in awe and respect for what was won for us, my own grandfather gave up so much to do this in World War II.
     Today in Bolivia we woke to a new Bolivia. After almost 20 days of protests Bolivia’s President Evo Morales renounced his presidency. People spoke, they protested, and their voices were loud and mostly all done in a peaceful manner. With the announcement of the President emotion was high, the celebration was surreal and caught us off guard, no one thought he would really renounce.
     Emotion was as well high for the opposition, for those who supported the previous presidency and so as night drew near violence and riots started to stir, and for many of our students and some of our volunteers/workers these acts of retaliation were in their neighborhoods and around their houses.
     Those of us who were far away from the attacks stood in prayer, we called out too many and you responded. Our social media group for students began to fill with scripture that was shared with us or brought to us by Him, the phone calls and messages of "we have closed ourselves in a room for safety", "the  cries are getting louder" "we had to go and block our road with fire and barbwire", "the looters were scared away with machetes and sticks" began to subside and a peace fell over this group of messages.
     For those of us praying we stayed awake to the early morning, seeking Him, encouraging, and asking for others to stand in the gap too. Many of our families stayed awake all night protecting their homes, being vigilant and waiting just in case... and as we woke this morning... the messages came in sharing of how, "the looters just passed by", "went the other direction", "they stopped advancing”
     During these 20 days of striking many have given over and above their monthly giving, to help with food for our families. Due to the striking, work has basically come to a halt and food prices are increasing and in some neighborhoods the propane gas used to cook with is scarce. Our families who live day to day struggled to feed their children but because of your gifts, that heavy burden was lifted.
     The story of Moses and the Israelites comes to mind again and again, our moms, tell of how because of the food given they are able to make it stretch and feed their families for a week. They saw His provision for their needs and saw Him going before them, before they even realize it and when the looting was taking place another image came to mind "Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night without one coming near the other all night." Exodus 14:19-20
     Gods great name and its truth is being very evident to our families. One of our prayers in this time has been that our families would see God working in their lives, bringing Him the glory and seeing His protection over them… the desert is still there, but the battle is being won by Him.

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