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Bolivia Church Planting Field Story Latin America

Bold Encounter

"I had heard stories of how she wasn’t interested in the gospel anymore. She came to me and I reached out my hand in greeting and she returned the handshake reluctantly."

I stepped out of our vehicle, nervous, unsure if I would see her at all. She eventually came towards me and I was hesitant to see how she would accept me, if she would at all, since we hadn’t been there in over a year.

I had heard stories of how she wasn’t interested in the gospel anymore. She came to me and I reached out my hand in greeting and she returned the handshake reluctantly.

Mrs. Fran* invited us into her house, which consisted of a small bedroom. We ate home grown pumpkin seeds, visited together and my husband asked Mrs. Fran questions to her heart.

She shared how her life was like with a dad that was always drunk. When her dad would come home everyone would hide so that they wouldn't have to come in contact with him. As we continued in conversation my husband and Mr. Fran left to go outside leaving me alone with Mrs. Fran. I felt the Lord telling me to ask her if she was saved, as I knew that her husband was.

I asked her if she had peace with Jesus? She believed she did. She explained that when she became a believer she was also baptized. She struggled because her husband says she isn’t a Christian. I asked her if she had noticed a difference in her husband after he had become a believer and she said yes.

We are unsure if she is a believer, but trust the Lord will make that clear in His timing. Mrs. Fran continued to share how she wanted to visit with my husband but he wasn’t home the time she had tried to visit him. Since that attempt she explained that she felt more of a bond with the colony than before.

Before our visit ended she shared that she did not want to shake our hands anymore, she was afraid of the opposition that she would face from those of the colony. The people of the colony believe that we are a bad influence on them, and have a strong opposition to those that we talk with. Many of them are oppressed after our visits especially if they become believers.

After this visit we haven't been back to her house but we hope to go back soon. Before we left for Canada, we had ladies bible study at their place and Mrs. Fran was very open to have us come. This was before her husband became a Christian. We continue to pray that the Lord would work in her heart, that He would draw her to himself and she would continue to sense her need of Him.

Pray for Mrs. Fran that she would be open to the Lord’s leading in her life.

Pray for Mr. Fran that he would grow in his faith and love of the Lord.

Pray for others in the colony, that they would be more receptive to the gospel.

*pseudonym used 

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