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Bolivia Church Support Field Story Latin America

The Power of Prayer

"What those Ayoreos needed in the jungle of Puesto Paz 48 years ago, is the same thing the women and the children of El Jordan need today, the gospel."
On Sunday I had the privaledge to share lunch with a New Tribes missionary couple who has served in Bolivia and Panama for the passed 48 years. It was such an intriguing and encouraging afternoon of many stories, cultural and spiritual insights, and new perspectives, but one thing continues to stand out more than anything, their complete focus and faith in the good news of Jesus. 
     When sharing about how the church began among the Ayoreos in a community called Puesto Paz, the missionary said the key was PRAYER of many believers. He had been praying for months and months, but still the Ayoreos they were not open to hearing about a God who loved them so much he sent his son Jesus to pay for their sins.
     They hold the belief that God did come and create the earth, but then left and forgot about the world he created. The missionary decided to write a card to Bolivian believers and his supporters in the United States pleading that they begin praying for the Ayoreos in Puesto Paz. Two weeks later an ayore believer from another community came to share the truth about God and Assoni, one of the Ayoreos with the strongest animist beliefs, was later heard praying the most simple but true prayer asking God to accept the sacrifice that Jesus made to pay for the sins of Assoni which were many.
     What those Ayoreos needed in the jungle of Puesto Paz 48 years ago, is the same thing the women and the children of El Jordan need today, the gospel. The gospel is what began to produce changes in the individuals Ayoreos and their culture, and is what has the power to change those who come to El Jordan today.
     As I heard the missionary share about Assoni, I thought of our women... wanting to change, to know God, to leave behind their addictions, but things hold them back... what would it look like having even more people praying for our women, children, and teenagers? To all be praying for Susana*, who for years has known of El Jordan, but just this last year was ready to come, wanting to change. She stopped drinking about 3 months ago, and has faced many challenges since then, most recently the death of a one year old grandson that she cared for. One of her nieces, Roxana*, who also attends Bible study in El Jordan said, “But God won’t abandon us, no?” Praise God that Roxana and Susana are faithfully attending Bible studies in El Jordan and are trying hard to make a living in an honest way by using the baking skills they are learning in El Jordan!
     Pray that they may come to personally understand the good news of Jesus, and that it could bring lasting change and redemption to the whole family. What could happen if even more people were praying for Leilany, Ana, Gabriela, Mery, Alexandra, and many others?
     As we think about the power of prayer and the power of the gospel we know it can change lives, what a blessing to see that transformation. What a privaledge to know that God cares deeply for these individuals and the many others that come through the doors of El Jordan each day. May we lift them up and wait expectantly for how God will change their lives. 

*pseudonym used

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