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Teaching Opportunity in Western Asia

Asia Education Long Term Mid Term

International Education Service (IES) is a K-12, university-prep, international school located in Western Asia. At IES, you will have the opportunity to work in one of the largest unreached nations in the 10/40 window. 

One of the main problems missionary families have is finding quality education in overseas environments, especially as their children reach middle and high school years. The primary focus of IES is the education of the children of the families called to ministry in this country thereby enabling them to remain on the field.

IES serves the Christian missionary community living in Western Asia. IES has over 250 students in grades K-12 coming from all over the globe. Many of the children that attend IES are missionary kids whose parents are in full time ministry with local unreached people groups.

IES strives to provide a quality education based on a hybrid UK/US curriculum, with a biblical worldview and in a Christian environment. IES requires that teachers have a Christian commitment and school teaching qualifications in the UK, US or equivalent education system. (Information from Teachers are given a stipend that helps cover cost of living expenses, but some additional financial support may need to be raised.

Teachers are needed for the following subjects: biology, math, music, art, first grade, and kindergarten. ( Is the Lord calling you to bless the missions community in Western Asia by caring for the education of missionary kids?


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