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Church Planting Europe Field Story Spain

Spiritual Conversations in Spain

We talked for an hour about God, the church, and religion! This is a huge deal because Cristina—and Spaniards in general—do not really want to talk about spiritual things.

My Spanish language partner, Cristina, and I meet weekly to practice our Spanish and English. Throughout our two years together, I have had the chance to share my personal testimony with Cristina, share God’s love with her, and walk her through some hard personal situations.

Last month, we went through Soularium together. Soularium is a way to invite people to talk about God by asking questions and then providing pictures for them to choose their answers. For example, the question will ask you to select a picture to describe God, and they might choose a sunset. You then ask them why they chose that picture.

We talked for an hour about God, the church, and religion! This is a huge deal because Cristina—and Spaniards in general—do not really want to talk about spiritual things. Cristina told me that she believes in God sometimes, but that she does not understand injustice in the world. She also said that religion is not something she thinks about all that much. I was able to encourage Cristina with biblical truth and share more of how God has worked in my life.

Please be praying for Cristina, that she would think about God more often, that I would have boldness to continue to be a witness to her, and that Cristina’s heart would be softened toward God!

Pray – Spain has a population of over 46 million people, but only 1.0%* are Evangelical Christians. They are unreached with the gospel of Jesus! Please pray for renewed interest in God throughout Spain and Europe.

 *Statistics from

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