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Church Planting Europe Field Story Spain

Stories of Hope

"I thought I was doing things right, but now I realize I was not pleasing God." She, then, prayed with us to accept Jesus as her Savior!

Stories are powerful. Each one of us has one and God uses our stories to encourage others. Be encouraged as you read the following stories from one of missionaries in Spain. Praise the Lord along with us as He continues to write each of our stories and pray for each of these individuals, that they would grow in their relationship with the Lord, that their stories might be used to bring honor and glory to Him.

“Grandma, today is the happiest day of my life!” said Cora, an eleven-year-old girl, to her grandmother. She was referring to the decision she made to accept Jesus in her heart last Sunday during children’s class. Cora is Alicia’s oldest daughter. In November, I (Luz) together with Clara, the mother of the only two children who were currently attending church, started a children’s class during the sermon. Another member started bringing her two younger grandchildren to church. Cora also started attending every other Sunday when it was her turn to stay with Alicia. I am excited that these children are learning about God’s love and that we already can see fruit! Please pray for Cora and her spiritual growth, her maternal grandparents are believers, and now her mother is following Jesus. 

After the service we had invited a woman to have lunch with us, she has a long name, but you can call her Luz. Before she left, Cesar shared with her the story of the prodigal son. When we asked her which son she identifies with, she replied, “the oldest son.” Then she went on by saying that she thought she was doing things right, but now she realizes she was not pleasing God. She, then, prayed with us to accept Jesus as her Savior!  

Last week I (Luz) went to visit a young woman. Last year she prayed to accept Jesus in her heart, but since we had not seen her during this time, we were not sure where she was spiritually. As we talked about the gospel and how we can have the assurance of being called God’s children according to John 1:12, she affirmed of her conviction of being a child of God. When I asked her how she knew, she said, “I prayed with you in November to accept Jesus in my life.” I was so excited for her conviction! We are starting a discipleship class with her this week. 

Clara asked us to meet with her and her husband because they needed help with their youngest son. This two-year-old boy was misbehaving both at home and at the nursery and both parents were at a loss with him. The father is not a believer. In the second session we talked about the two most important things they needed to teach their child, respect for authority and obedience. I asked them if both agreed to work with these principles with their child, and both said yes. Please pray for Clara that she may be a good testimony at home, pray that God would work in Clara’s husband’s heart. May he realize the futility of his beliefs and embrace the freedom he can find in Christ. Pray for us for wisdom and boldness as we meet every other week with them.

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” 2 Thessalonians 5:23.

Each of these stories continues to be a work in progress. Would you pray for their continued growth and obedience to follow the Lord?

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