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Church Planting in Czech Republic

Church Planting Czech Republic Europe Long Term

Mountains and hills ripple around hamlets, villages and towns while nearly 10% of the nation’s 10.7 million residents live in the capital Prague. Before Soviet atheism was scarring the Czech psyche two world wars and centuries of oppression under the Habsburgs set the stage for nearly snuffing out religion. Distrust of organized religion and resistance to authoritative control is reflexive. The freedom to pursue leisure interests leaves little time for seeking God.

Less than 1% identify as evangelical. They enjoy spiritual conversation, preferring interactive Bible discussions to religious monologues.

Avant’s first church planting team was only able to plant a house church which has not multiplied. The team is working with national Christians to work toward more rapid multiplication. Prague remains an ongoing focus for sending in new teams as well as nearby Hradec Králové.

Connection through hobbies and teaching English to university students are ways to open doors. Czechs may be skeptics but once trust is established they become more open. Abilities in conversational evangelism and dialogue-based disciple making is a natural fit. Czechs are especially interested in fitness, music or outdoor experiences. Being familiar with disciple making movement principles would be a boost.

Living in the Czech Republic is comfortable with year-around beauty. However the people are curt and critical toward strangers. Expect language fluency to be achieved within 2-5 years. 

Because of language learning and scope of ministry, a five year (or longer) investment is required.

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