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Europe Field Story

Random Encounters that Plant Eternal Seeds

"This is a snippet into a life story that we may never get to know the end to, but we know that a seed of the gospel was planted that day. We may never see Andrei again, but we can pray for him, that He would come to know the truth of the gospel."

Andrei* was sitting outside a business one morning when I was running errands. I was busy and had many things on my mind, but I felt impressed in my heart to give him some food. As I began to talk with Andrei he shared with me that he hadn’t eaten all day. Suddenly, my to do list seemed to shrink, but the reality of this opportunity began to sink in. I had the opportunity to give him physical food but also knew that this was an opportunity to give him spiritual food. I presented the gospel to him, and he shared with me that one of his friends had just asked to take him to a local Pentecostal church that coming weekend. He shared with me “God really is pursuing me.”

This is a snippet into a life story that we may never get to know the end to, but we know that a seed of the gospel was planted that day. We may never see Andrei again, but we can pray for him, that He would come to know the truth of the gospel.

Just like I met Andrei, I also met *Ion one day while I was running an errand to the salvage yard.

I was waiting for the salvage yard to open to purchase mirrors for a vehicle, when I noticed a young man waiting outside. He had traveled over an hour on the bus, and it was his first day of employment at the salvage yards. We were both waiting, and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to invite him to share a coffee with me. As we sipped on our hot coffee, I told him about the Lord. Just a few days ago, my phone rang, and it was Ion, I gladly answered, and we began to talk. He wanted to call to talk more about the Lord. Please pray that the Lord will continue to work on this man’s heart and that he will give his life to the Lord.

There are Andrei’s and Ion’s all around us, those who are hungry and seeking, the Lord has placed us in these places for these interactions. May we be faithful to be present right where we are to shine bright in those moments that we would make much our testimony of the Lord.

*Pseudonym used

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